Cover of ‘The Convict’s Daughter’ by Kiera Lindsey
This book is worth a read if you’re interested in a lively account of life in Sydney, NSW in 1848. Kiera Lindsey presents the story of Mary Ann Gill whose failed elopement with James Butler Kinchela was a public scandal of the times. Her research into the case is presented in a deft combination of factual biography and dramatic action.
Back in the 1970s, Alison Ferguson completed one of the first Bachelor of Arts degrees in Professional Writing and then went on to qualify as a speech pathologist, working as a clinician and academic for over thirty years. As well as writing research-based book chapters and papers for international refereed journals, Alison authored two scholarly books (published by Plural Publishing, and Palgrave Macmillan). Now retired, Alison is pursuing her long-standing fascination with story writing in both non-fiction and fiction.
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