Grey Nomad

This is where I come clean. Last month, I posted a minor rant about my growing irritation with quirky protagonists who achieve the astonishing feat of being both older and yet still having the potential of a character arc. My thoughts were, I confess, prompted by my own world-building for a sci-fi-lite novella I was developing through November. (I was participating in NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month for the second time.)

Here’s the synopsis of my work-in-progress.

Grey Nomad

(Courtesy of NASA – public domain)

Alien spaceships from the planet Liser have landed in every major country on Earth. Joyce convinces her staid husband to divert from their annual caravan holiday itinerary to brave the queues of tourists to see the spaceship in Canberra. Unexpectedly, the Liseran spaceship does an emergency take-off to evade imminent attack by spaceships of their long-standing enemy, the Thulians. Joyce and JT, an avid trekkie, are the only tourists left on board with the human security team in a spaceship filled with angry aliens hurtling toward a space war.

Surviving an alien war won’t just demand that Joyce master telepathy, it will also call upon all her experience from her years with the Country Women’s Association.

My own journey in writing this piece is proving to be a lot of fun and, so far, Joyce is neither quirky nor quaint—but she does have dodgy knees.

Author: Alison Ferguson

Back in the 1970s, Alison Ferguson completed one of the first Bachelor of Arts degrees in Professional Writing and then went on to qualify as a speech pathologist, working as a clinician and academic for over thirty years. As well as writing research-based book chapters and papers for international refereed journals, Alison authored two scholarly books (published by Plural Publishing, and Palgrave Macmillan). Now retired, Alison is pursuing her long-standing fascination with story writing in both non-fiction and fiction.

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